Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trophy-Wife-In-Training: Rise and Shine!

"She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day."
Could this verse have been written any more plainly? There truly is nothing to decipher, yet I know that if you are anything like me, you cringed a bit when you read it. I'd like to know the woman who is dedicated enough to be up before dawn each morning with a hot breakfast awaiting her family. This 'Wonder Woman' also has each day's events mapped out and planned. The truth of the matter is that as much as we want to skim past this verse, God desires us to be more like this woman.
I'm an early riser by nature, but by no means am I up before dawn (unless my 9 week old decides otherwise). I am one of those odd creatures that truly enjoys the morning, yet I confess that I'd be hard pressed to find the motivation to rise before dawn. I believe that while it may not be truly necessary to be up before the sun that it might be prudent to make an effort to start our day a little earlier than what most of us would prefer. I think the focus and intent of this verse is that a godly woman makes a conscious effort to start her day and that of her family on a good foot. By getting up early, or earlier than our loved ones we have the opportunity to set the tempo and mood of the day. This week I challenge you to start your day 15min. before your husband or children. Use that time to pray, read the verse above, have a cup of coffee, make breaksfast for your family, write a love note to your husband, etc. I would venture to guess that we would all find a change in the hearts and attitudes of ourselves and our families. Also try to have a clear plan for your day, for your week. I'm going to try to make my week look a little like this:
Monday: Errands
Tuesday: Clean House
Wednesday: Play day with my girls/ homemade supper for John
Thursday: Laundry
Friday: Play day with my girls/ homemade supper for John
Saturday: Grocery day
Sunday: Sabbath
I think that we would find ourselves feeling greatly accomplished if we could check off our goal at the end of each day, and through that our family feeds off of our positive attitude. I challenge you to try these two things this week: 1. Get up 15min. early 2. Have a plan for the day.
Let me know what results you find!
In Christ's love and mine,

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