Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trophy-Wife-In-Training: Rise and Shine!

"She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day."
Could this verse have been written any more plainly? There truly is nothing to decipher, yet I know that if you are anything like me, you cringed a bit when you read it. I'd like to know the woman who is dedicated enough to be up before dawn each morning with a hot breakfast awaiting her family. This 'Wonder Woman' also has each day's events mapped out and planned. The truth of the matter is that as much as we want to skim past this verse, God desires us to be more like this woman.
I'm an early riser by nature, but by no means am I up before dawn (unless my 9 week old decides otherwise). I am one of those odd creatures that truly enjoys the morning, yet I confess that I'd be hard pressed to find the motivation to rise before dawn. I believe that while it may not be truly necessary to be up before the sun that it might be prudent to make an effort to start our day a little earlier than what most of us would prefer. I think the focus and intent of this verse is that a godly woman makes a conscious effort to start her day and that of her family on a good foot. By getting up early, or earlier than our loved ones we have the opportunity to set the tempo and mood of the day. This week I challenge you to start your day 15min. before your husband or children. Use that time to pray, read the verse above, have a cup of coffee, make breaksfast for your family, write a love note to your husband, etc. I would venture to guess that we would all find a change in the hearts and attitudes of ourselves and our families. Also try to have a clear plan for your day, for your week. I'm going to try to make my week look a little like this:
Monday: Errands
Tuesday: Clean House
Wednesday: Play day with my girls/ homemade supper for John
Thursday: Laundry
Friday: Play day with my girls/ homemade supper for John
Saturday: Grocery day
Sunday: Sabbath
I think that we would find ourselves feeling greatly accomplished if we could check off our goal at the end of each day, and through that our family feeds off of our positive attitude. I challenge you to try these two things this week: 1. Get up 15min. early 2. Have a plan for the day.
Let me know what results you find!
In Christ's love and mine,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Trohpy-Wife-In-Training: Get Crafty!

"She shops around for the best yarns and cottons,
and enjoys knitting and sewing.
She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places
and brings back exotic surprises."

There's not a whole lot to decipher in this section. First and foremost the first 3 words stand out to me; "She shops around..." (I confess I may be reading more into this than necessary, but I think I'm on to something). I think that this is an admonition to not simply stop at the most handy place, but to make the effort to search for quality items at the best cost. In other words get the most for your money. I'll venture so far as to also say try to endorse the businesses of the good and those as often as you can. Many Christian mothers are bringing income to their families through at-home business, buy from them if you can. Some doctors are taking a stand as treating their patients based upon Christian values, entrust them with your care. These types of things may require extra effort on your part, but do make a difference. Moving on...this biblical trophy wife is a creative and crafty lady. She takes precious little and makes useful, and I'm sure, beautiful items. Not only does she make things for her family...she enjoys doing so. Two things jump out at me here: 1. Making things for your family is far more fulfilling than buying them. There is fulfillment and pride in making something from nothing. We modern day women, who boast of such accomplishment and equality, would greatly disappoint our feminine ancestors if they could see how many of the traditional skills we lack. Why cook from scratch when you can microwave? Why sew, when you can buy? Why grow a garden and put up vegetables when they come in a can? I believe that we have lost the honor and pride that comes with being a resourceful woman. It's far easier to swipe a card than to put a little elbow grease into creating something of our own. Now I know that there's nothing wrong with doing things the 'modern way', but I am saying that I believe that if we return to the old ways of doing things that we will find ourselves more fulfilled. 2. The tasks we perform as wives and mothers should be labors of love, not labors of grumbling. What comes from our mouths is the overflow of our hearts. If we do our duties with positive loving attitudes that will be visible to our husbands and children. My husband will not enjoy his home cooked meal nearly as much if I spend the entire dinner complaining over the amount of effort it took to create it. Find enjoyment in your wifely are serving not only your family but your Father in all you do...even the little things.
The final part of this scripture talks about how the woman sails faraway and brings back exotic surprises. Think outside the box, do the unusual...your family will appreciate the effort. Try a new meal, make a special scrapbook for your children...Show your family that you go out of your way just for them.

I am not a crafty person by nature, but I am good at stealing the creative ideas of others. For Christmas last year I got a sewing machine and have been putting it to good use since. I've made blankets for my girls, curtains for my windows, and etc. I have found great joy and fulfillment in knowing that I have the ability to create these things. My husband is proud of me too, he shows of the things that I make as though it is an extraordinary accomplishment. I try to make at least 2 home cooked, from scratch meals a week, and to his credit, John always notices and appreciates them. we have also begun trying to give our business to the 'good and the godly' as often as possible, and this has proved a blessing to both parties. Something "exotic" that I am working on are life journals for each of my girls. This is my life story written down to give to them on their 16th birthdays, and it will take that long to complete them. It's my hope that they will see through this gift how very precious they are.

My goal is to continue doing more and more in these areas, and to try to use these skills as a ministry. Cook meals for a new mom, make a special Christmas dress or gift for someone who might not be able to buy one. I encourage you to try some of these things, I promise you will be blessed by the accomplishment of a task that has an easier alternative. Please share how and if this blesses you as it has me.

In Christ's love and mine,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trophy-Wife-In-Training: Let the Games Begin!

"A good woman is hard to find,
and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously
all her life long."

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to get the gist of this first verse. A good woman, a truly godly woman, is a rare find. A woman of this caliber is of such rarity that her value is more precious than diamonds. The result of this type of character and integrity in a woman is that her husband totally and completely trusts her. The scripture says that he does this "without reserve". There is not a point at which her husband feels the need to rein in his trust in her. He can give her complete access to finances, because he knows she will not blow it on a shopping spree. He can let down his guard and be vulnerable with her, because he knows she will not think him silly or weak for his worries. This husband can depend upon his wife because she never lets him down. This woman's vast integrity causes her husband to be continuously grateful that he chose her...he does not wonder if there might have been a better option out there somewhere. Don't nag! A spiteful (hateful, vindictive, nagging, can see where I'm going) wife will drive away her husband. This is not to say that we cannot have a spat now and then with our men, but I believe this means we must pick and choose our battles. Finally it says we must be generous to the men in our life. Personally I think this means several things. 1. Give of yourself to your husband. It is easy (especially when we have children) to give to everyone around us and at the end of the day have very little for him. Keep your husband #2 in your life, children #3. 2. Be generous with understanding. Men do not think the way we do, be patient and understanding. He may not realize that you did your hair a different way (just for him), that PMS is a real and chronic condition, or that the dishes in the dishwasher should face the middle not outward. Let him off the hook now and then, he doesn't think about or understand these things. The final part of all that is that he deserves this type of treatment "all your life long". Getting to the 20th anniversary doesn't mean that we have suddenly reached the point of no return. He deserves your best every day, every year, every decade...just like you deserve his.

Application and Challenge:
Be worthy of your husband's trust, even in the little things. My Example of Trust: There have been times when I have conveniently "lost" receipts. Why? I bought all the groceries like I ought to...and 3 books. (I have a weakness for books) Big deal right? Wrong, it is a big deal...that added $30.00 to a budgeted grocery bill. Would John have really cared? No, not if we could afford it that week. The point is that that kind of behavior is dishonest, sneaky, and conniving, over a small issue. He deserved better than that. We now thoroughly discuss what our our money goes towards, we have a grocery budget...if I come under I can get a book. (It's kind of a fun challenge to see if I can save enough to get a book as well). If I have a need (or want) I ask John's permission before I buy. Be transparent in all things...I think a good rule is to tell before he asks. If your husband knows that you are consistently forthright with information, he will know that he can place his faith in you. My example of not being Spiteful: I am admittedly OCD. I have certain ways of doing things, everything belongs in its own particular location, and I tend to lose it if things don't go according to plan. My husband can well attest to these traits in me as he has often been the recipient of my wrath when things aren't just so. I am working on this. I am attempting to apply the insight of these verses to my life. Here's a silly sample; I have a decorative pumpkin hand towel in the bathroom. Decorative is the key word. My husband uses that towel and throws it in the sink. He doesn't fold it back up so that the pretty pumpkin is in the sight of any who enter the bathroom...You can tell from my wording that this grates on me. I used to nag John about it, and then I saw him roll his first instinct was to spat off a smart comment, but I caught myself. He is entitled to do things his way, and if I don't like it I can fix that towel every time I see it messed up (which I do). I don't want my husband to resent me or to not feel refuge in his home because of me. I'm going to continue to try to change my ways rather than extend him generous patience because I know he doesn't notice the things that set my hair on end.

What ways can you apply these ideas to your life? Try them and see if your husband notices. I am going to go through this study of Proverbs 31 without telling John. I want to see if he can see the transformation the Lord is making in my heart and in my character. Each day this week read these verses and take them to heart... I'll do the same. Next week I will continue on with the next set of verses. I hope this is a blessing to your heart as it is to mine.

In Christ's abiding love...

Trophy Wife in Training

Calling All Women!

I dare say that there is not-a-one of us out there that doesn't secretly desire to be a Trophy Wife. What I wouldn't give to have my husband strut like a peacock when I'm on his arm! Each time my husband and I go out there's always that one lucky lady who captures the admiring gaze (of every man) and animosity filled glare (of every woman) in the room. I don't know about you, but I want to be her! So how about it ladies? Want to strive for that goal? Care to commit to becoming a trophy wife in training? I know you are grimacing to yourself and thinking that this is an impossible task, but I assure you that it is not! I have found the key that unlocks this mystery. I'm asking you to join with me, body, mind, and soul in the effort at reaching this monumental goal.

"How do we do it?" you ask. Let me tell you! The answer to this most desired quest lies in the place that all answers are found, our Father's word.

Proverbs 31:10-31. I love the message bible's wording. At every opportunity I have I am going to take a verse of this scripture, break it apart, seek out it's meaning, and apply it to my life. The outcome of this endeavor is clear...I can be the trophy wife my husband desires and deserves if only I be the kind of wife my Father asks me to be. I hope you will join in this journey with me.

If you'd like to print out this version of the scripture go to to do so. Every step of the way I will share what I discover about this task, and it is my great wish that we women of faith would band together in dedication to becoming the tremendous women that God created us to be.

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Fair Ladies

Jordyn Elizabeth

My newest miracle could not be more different than her big sister. From the moment she was born Jordyn has been an even-tempered, laid back little lady. Not much has changed in the 6 weeks since. She is quick to smile and content to just be...Such a blessing! Every day she is more alert and interested in the on-goings of big sis. I cannot wait to see this little daughter of mine grow into her own unique personality. I pray that I can continue to nurture and cultivate the individual that God intends her to be...

Abigail Grace

My "big" girl has entered the terrible two's at a year and a half! Abigail has an independent nature and her daddy's "I can do it myself and my way" attitude. This is turning out to be quite the challenge for mommy! Abigail is an affectionate and outgoing little girl. She loves nothing more than to make people smile. Abigail is the perfect combination of girly-girl and tom-boy. She loves to shop with her Nana and Aunt Hannah, and she adores riding in any farm equipment she can charm the men in her life to taking her in. Each Sunday Abigail lets us know that she is going to church to worship "Jezzie" (Jesus). I know that now is a critical time in forming the foundation of her faith, and I pray that John and I are sensitive to the leading of our Lord in that direction.

My Fair Ladies are the answer to my heart's desires. The raising of them is the mission I have always felt led too. I want nothing more than to be a faithful godly mother to them. My greatest joys are the smiles that these two precious girls send my direction.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3 Years of Marriage + 2 Baby Girls = 1 Good Life

Today is my wedding anniversary. 3 years ago on this day I stood before God and man and made the greatest commitment of my was the easiest and most wonderful thing I have ever done. John came into my life in a whirlwind, and life has been swirling on around us ever since! My husband is a godly, giving man who sweeps me of my feet every single day. Together we have built a family and life that I dreamed about since I was a little girl.

Today is my second daughter's birthday. 3 years ago on this day my new husband and I said we would wait 1 year to have children, and that's just what we did...369 days later I took a positive pregnancy test. Abigail was the joy of our lives for 6 and a half months and then had to move over and share a little heart space with our next gift of life...Jordyn Elizabeth. Today my daughter will arrive into a family whose arms are just itching to hold her. John and I have been so blessed to be given 2 precious little ladies nearlythe moment we asked for them.

Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I will be mommy to not just one blessing, but two. I am engulfed in a wide array of emotions that begin with eager anticipation and end in utter terror, but I know my Lord will day-to-day set my feet upon the rock of His love and guide me through. I look forward to today, to the love and to the pain, to the fulfillment of prayers and promises, to the indescribeable joy of being a wife and a mother...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In Love...

There is an indescribable sensation that occurs when your hearts finds and connects with your soul mate. There is a sonic-boom within your soul when one kindred spirit encounters another. I remember well this instantaneous flood of emotion from when I met my husband and when I first laid eyes upon my Abigail. It has occurred again in another form, in friendship. I have long been praying to be blessed with a dear and special friend. One who can see the ugly and still think beautiful, one who I can be out of line with and who will yank me back in, one who can know and understand the innermost thoughts and workings of my heart and feel as though that is a reflection of her own. I have found her. You know who you are, and I am so very blessed to know you. I am honored to spend time with you. I aspire to be more like you, and I hope that through the growth of our friendship I will resemble all that is good the way you do. Do not fear that I have a false impression or that I have put you upon some unsustainable pedestal, I have but been touched by the truly genuine and real person that you are. Thank you, dear sister of my heart, for allowing me into your life and for being the long-awaited answer to a prayer! I hope that I can return to you all that you have given to me...

I share this not to pique curiousity but to give praise to the Lord for a prayer answered, and to allow this sweet woman to know how truly special she is without bringing her any undue embarassment...just in case she doesn't feel that same about me! :-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

North Carolina Get-A-Way

Two years ago John and I spent a week of bliss in Bat Cave, North Carolina. We fell in love with the beautiful mountains and day dreamed about bringing our family there one day. Two years later God granted us just such an opportunity. My aunt generously allowed us and my brothers and sisters-in-law to stay rent-free in her beautiful cabin. It was such a blessing to take our precious girl to the place that John and I loved, and even more so to find that she loved it just as much as we do. As we near the time of being a family of four, we now look forward to taking both girls back someday. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our little Miss on her first vacation!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Farmer's Daughter...

My sweet little Abigail was destined to be a country girl. Never before have I encountered a child that from the earliest moments of communications expressed an interest in tractors, ho-sies (horses), and towes (cows). She finds the moments of chasing down the cows as invigorating as John and I do. Before she was a year old, Abigail was making short hauls in the semi with her daddy. Uncle Joe throws her up in the big tri-axels for an occasional ride, and Grandpa took her in the combine with him last harvest. Grandma has passed on a love for the lawnmower. We can't pass by a piece of equipment without Abigail hollering to "dive, dive, dive" (drive). Recently we spent the week at the Gibson County Fair, a favorite holiday for all Davidson's, and we couldn't get over Abigail's immense pleasure at being in such an environment. She sat on every tractor, pet every horse, looked at every pig, and giggled at the cows. When all in the stands held their ears at the tractor pulls, Abigail grinned and screamed in delight at the event before her. I must say she was a bit perplexed by the lawnmower derby, and not too enthused to see her favorite vehicles being purposefully crashed. She truly seems to thrive in the environment that she was born into, and I can't say how much it touches my heart to know that she too loves the life that John and I treasure. I cannot wait to watch her grow and experience life as a farmer's daughter...

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Prayer of a Frazzled Mommy...

Oh Father...

My voice longs to sing you songs of praise...
instead of the ABC's...

My mind desires deep spiritual conversation...
instead of "No Abigail, we cannot throw Daddy's undies in the toilet..."

My hands want to create beautful masterpieces that will bring you glory...
instead of picking up toys for the hundredth time...

My feet yearn to run and explore the vast exanse of the world you've designed...
instead of wearing circles in the carpet from the laundry room and back...

My appearance craves that a tiny bit of your beauty would rub off on me...
instead of the drool and baby food that completes my attire...

My eyes long to see the difference that I've made in my small part of the world...
instead of laundry that needs cleaned and dishes that need done...

My ears seek to hear your soothing voice...
instead of the grating sound of electronic toys...

May I see you in the singing of lullabies, learn from you through my daughters, glorify you in the effort of housekeeping, kneel before you at the end of each long day, my inner beauty be a reflection of your grace, and may I hear you in the sweet sound of Abigail's "Amen".

In the midst of being Mommy, find me Lord...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

You Know You're from the Country When...

Laundry hangs out on a clothesline instead of being tossed around the dryer...
Gardens are planted out by the barn...
The greatest smell in the world is dirt...
The hum of tractors is like a lullaby...
Men spend their sabbath afternoon shooting guns...
Women still take pride in being barefoot and pregnant...
Your man's hands are never truly clean...
Your father-in-law walks into church with his Bible in his hand and his gun in his belt...
The way to town is on a gravel road...
Country songs aren't just cliche, they're reality...
Your little girl would rather play with a toy tractor than a doll...
Cowboy boots aren't worn as a fashion statement but for practicality...
The cows getting out is the norm...
Horseback riding is the preferred mode of transportation on a Sunday afternoon...
Your husband is never more handsome than he is in his work clothes...
When the front porch swing is the site of evening romance...

I love my life!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Introducing: Jordyn Elizabeth

As I'm sure most of you know John and I recently found out that we are expecting another little girl. Our Abigail Grace is going to become big sister to little Jordyn Elizabeth. It took awhile to digest the thought of another little lady. To any and all who know my Abigail, you can imagine why. My fiesty daughter has more personality than any baby I have known so it's a tad frightening and overwelming to imagine 2 girls. My saving grace is revealing itself in that Jordyn already seems to be a bit more laid back than her big sister. Abigail never stayed still within my womb, and Jordyn makes quiet slow-paced movements. I'm so anxious to meet my newest little lady, to see how alike and how different she is from Abigail. I can't wait to see how God has taken the same 2 people and knit together a new unique child. As with naming Abigail, it was a laborious process for John and I. We do not agree on girl names...not at all. He comes up with ideas like Margot or Winifred (I apologize to any of you who like these names also) and I like traditional names like Madelyn, Katherine, and Amelia. We went through dozens of names to no avail until John came up with Jordyn. I have to admit that I truly didn't like that name at first, but I took a chance and looked up it's meaning. It means "to flow down, or descend" which at first seems uneventful making name decisions, but Chelsa suggested Elizabeth as a middle name and suddenly I was in love. "Jordyn Elizabeth" means God's promises flow down. Our precious second daughter is the fulfillment of my heart's desire. Scripture says that if we seek the Lord then He will give us the desire of our hearts, so His promises have truly descended upon us in the form of Jordyn. We are so anxious to watch our 2 girls grow up together, to watch them play, to see their friendship form. I can't wait to introduce her to you as well :-)

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Spring Happenings in Davidsonville

With Spring comes lots of fun and hard work in our neck of the woods. Here is an update in pictures of what we've been up too!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Understanding Easter

In as long as I have loved the Lord, I have never truly understood Easter. I could never fully comprehend the monumentous event that provided me life everlasting...I do now. Having Abigail and loving her as I do opened the floodgates of emotion and realization of what both God and Mary endured in the death of Jesus. Tears come to my eyes as I even think of seeing my daughter be beaten and murdered for those completely undeserving. My heart breaks as I realize God saw the big picture and to Him it was worth it. I ask myself if I would do it, allow it to happen...for you, for anyone. I'd like to believe I would be strong enough, but truly in my heart of hearts I don't know. This opening of the eyes of my heart has touched me deeply, given me true passion for my God. I hope that God touches you and yours if He has not already so that we may all truly truly celebrate this most special of holidays... Be blessed...I am...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Joys of John

It's been awhile since I have taken the time to properly brag on my wonderful husband. Despite my neglect in writing it down for the blogging world, each and every day I am grateful for him. Last night our little Abigail woke up around 12:30 screaming...painful screams. Initially I assumed that with a little comforting she would settle down, 3 hrs later I knew how wrong I was. John and I tried everything we could think of to take away our poor baby's pain but all to no avail. As many babies do when sick, Abigail only wanted Mommy. Mommy desperately wished she would want least for a little while. 20lbs is no small weight to hold, rock, bounce, and sway with for hours on end. John couldn't have been more supportive. He searched for medicine, filled juice cups, and took care of Abigail as much as she would let him. John was the one who realized that she might be having growing pains, and he showed me how to rub her little legs to ease the pain. Merciful silence came for awhile as John and I rubbed and rubbed and rubbed her legs. He listened to hours of me singing worship songs in an effort to calm both she and I down. John could have shoved his head under the pillow or gone to the couch as many husbands would, but he didn't. He stayed. He comforted both Mommy and Abbi. I was so thankful for John's willingness to just be there even though there was little he could do. As with every day that passes I am so proud to be John's wife, and so grateful to spend my life alongside him.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Adoring Abigail...

My sweet Abigail is not much into posing for pictures, but we managed to get a few good ones!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear Boppli,

I will begin my first letter to you by saying that you are every bit as precious and anticipated as your big sister was. Mommy could not be more joyful to know that once again life grows within her. Already you are fearfully and wonderfully made. In your own unique way you will bring new and wonderful joys to our family. God has grand plans for your life little one, and I cannot wait to see them fulfilled. I promise that Daddy and I will do our best to train you in the ways you should go. Know always that everything we do is done with love for our Heavenly Father and with love for you. Daddy and I believe that children are always a gift but you are even more so because of your Grandpa Charlie. Grandpa Charlie passed away right before we found out you were on your way. He would have loved to meet you, but I know that even now he is giving the Lord his 2 cents about what personality traits you should have. We know that God blessed us with you at just the right time. Grow Strong and Healthy my boppli...
Mommy Loves You

Blessed Beyond Measure

On New Year's Day my husband's grandpa passed away. A more godly, integrity filled man I have never known. Charlie Blake was all things good and righteous, and the loss of him left an immense void within his family. As our family mourns his death, we have new reason to rejoice. John and I found out this week that we are expecting our second boppli. I think it is beyond irony and coincidence that our Lord gave life in the same breath as one was taken. I have utter faith that while my hands will be busy with 2 little ones my heart will be filled to overflowing. John and I have decided that if our little one is a boy he will be named Jonah Charles in honor of Grandpa Blake. May you always know that in the midst of hurt there can be joy...