Curses on Eve! I'm daring to wonder what pregnancy would have been like before that greedy woman ate the forbidden fruit! My God has a sense of humor I believe, and when he vowed to make childbirth difficult, I think he also meant the carrying of the babe.
One must either laugh or cry, so I am choosing to laugh!
Have you seen my toes? I think they are painted purple, although John likened them to gumdrops! It's been awhile since last I located them, but when I did my breathing was immediately interupted in the effort! My poor husband is dealing with my new condition of snoring, and he also has the enviable job of rolling me off my back when in the midst of my sleep my breathing becomes small feat I assure you. I have been blessed with those squeezable cheeks all of my life, but it is quite comical to note that each cheek would require two hands to properly squeeze them! I had always thought I wanted a larger chest, but cleavage to the collarbone is not all it's cracked up to be! From the back I look like a box...I had a waistline once, didn't I? The sheer horror on people's faces when they realize we have 8 weeks to go is enough to send me into a fit of tears. To combat this malady, my best friend painted my belly like an Easter Egg. This was quite humorous...until the paint started cracking! Who in the world knew that one little tiny being could so alter my being even right down to my toes!
Surely it's worth it Lord I ask, even as I know the answer...And then I feel my sweet little girl move within me and all is right in my world!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Joys of John
During this winter's snow and ice storm, one of our sheds at the farm collapsed. This week John and the others began taking off the roof so repairs could begin. My husband was in Heaven when the task required the rental of a man lift. He delights in working with equipment! Sweet man that he is, he determined that I needed to see how this thing operated. He showed me all of the operations the man lift can perform, and patiently answered my questions. I soon found that his true motive for showing me this contraption was so that he could take me for a ride on it! We climbed into the basket and up, up, up, up we went. Now I am not normally afraid of heights, but this happened to be the day we had wind gusts of 15-20 miles an hour! I was a bit squeamish, and could envision the headlines that would appear should I plummet to the ground! John just put his arm around me and pointed out the beauty of seeing Davidson land from above. My fears eased, and I was instantly filled with a sense of pride for my husband and his family. We are so blessed! True romance is more than flowers and candles, it's found in thought filled gestures like rides in a man lift...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dear Abigail Grace,

Well Little One, I don't think that I can call you that anymore. With more than 2 months to go in Mommy's belly you already weigh 3lbs! Mommy and Daddy now know what your sweet face looks like. We were blessed to know that you are still healthy, and relieved to know that you are indeed cute (I would have loved you anyway!)! Nana says it looks as though you have the Mattingly nose, so look out for fingers that will pinch it! You are quite the little contortionist with both feet up by your face. Mommy has a picture of you sucking on your toes! Mommy and Daddy were quite shocked when you gave us the bird. Daddy says he's sure you don't yet know what that means, but in the future that kind of behavior might result in a spanking! How we love you, our sweet baby girl. All her life, all Mommy wanted was a little boppli, andGod has answered her prayers with you! You are our greatest gift. I cannot wait to meet you. Grow Strong and Healthy...
Mommy Loves You...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Joys of John
Godly men are greatly lacking in our society so finding one is no small feat. Add to that the challenge of finding a godly man that you actually like, and you might as well be trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. I happen to be one of the few lucky women who has snatched up such a rare specimen, and in light of that I believe he deserves all the praise I can give him. The Joys of John will be my way of expressing my deepest gratitude for my wonderful husband. I hope that if your husband is worthy of such an honor you will too give credit where credit is do! In a world that holds the values of marriage so carelessly, it is encouraging to see those that despite it all are strong and enduring...
For as long as I have known John I have been asking for a chocolate lab puppy. He has always promised me that when the time was right I could have one. Nearly 3 years later still no puppy, but fate intervened! Through the grapevine I found out that an aquaintance had chocolate lab puppies that they were giving in free. I managed to snag one of those little sweeties with the somewhat reserved approval of John. Boone is a joyful addition to our little family, but I didn't quite think through the reprecussions of having a puppy and being 7 months pregnant. Oops! John, who had considered this, has jumped in and helped me with Boone despite his misgivings. For several nights now he has joined me in Boone's many nightly bathroom breaks because I'm too scared to take him out in the dark by myself. John's selfless acts of love never cease to amaze me.
Yesterday John's mom and I were both given the first Easter Lillies of Spring...what a wonderful man he is!
For as long as I have known John I have been asking for a chocolate lab puppy. He has always promised me that when the time was right I could have one. Nearly 3 years later still no puppy, but fate intervened! Through the grapevine I found out that an aquaintance had chocolate lab puppies that they were giving in free. I managed to snag one of those little sweeties with the somewhat reserved approval of John. Boone is a joyful addition to our little family, but I didn't quite think through the reprecussions of having a puppy and being 7 months pregnant. Oops! John, who had considered this, has jumped in and helped me with Boone despite his misgivings. For several nights now he has joined me in Boone's many nightly bathroom breaks because I'm too scared to take him out in the dark by myself. John's selfless acts of love never cease to amaze me.
Yesterday John's mom and I were both given the first Easter Lillies of Spring...what a wonderful man he is!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Waffle Night with the Davidson's
Yesterday evening after feeding the cows, John and I decided to make Belgian waffles for supper. Yum! While beating eggs whites, we decided to call his family to see if they'd like to join us. Suddenly we went from dinner for 2 to supper for 6! I wish we would have had a camera to film John and I scrambling around the kitchen mixing waffle batter, frying hashbrowns, cooking bacon, making tea, and setting the table. It was a frenzy of activity for sure! we accomplished all of this within about 30 minutes time and managed to look somewhat put together by the time everyone arrived. It was a good time of spontaneous fellowship. John and I were exhausted by the time everyone went home, but it was well worthwhile! I'm so blessed to have a husband who will jump in and get his hands dirty in the kitchen, who loves his family so much, and who is appreciative of the little things. I think I'll start a series of blogs called Bragging on John because that seems to be how all of my blogs turn out anyway!
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