Friday, October 24, 2008

Dear Boppli,

You had your first picture taken the other day! Daddy and Mommy both got tears in our eyes when we saw you for the first time. For most of my life I have dreamed of the day when I would first see my little one, and it was more wonderful than I could have imagined. It is amazing to see that you are only 2 centimeters long, yet you are nearly fully formed! Daddy has stared at your pictures everyday since...He loves you so. We both do. We daydream about all of the things we will teach you and of the wonderful adventures we will have together. We are trying to pick out a name for you too! Daddy loves William Brian if you are a boy, and Mommy likes the name Sawyer Nicholas. Olivia Jean and Abigail Grace are the girl names we have chosen if you happen to be a girl. Each name has a special meaning that Mommy and Daddy will explain to you someday. We cannot wait to meet you, our beloved little Boppli.

Grow Strong and Healthy...

Mommy Loves You