Mommy Loves You
Monday, December 29, 2008
Dear Boppli,
Well Abigail Grace. you and I had a close call last week! Mommy, despite 13 years of dance classes, managed to fall down 15 stairs! My first thought when I landed at the bottom was "Please Lord, let my baby girl be okay!" and you were. Mommy was bruised and battered all over, but you my sweet little boppli were kicking to the beat of the band. Grandma says you must have liked your first tumbling lesson. How broken my heart would have been to lose my sweet daughter, but the Lord was looking out for both you and I that day. As I always say, grow strong and healthy my beloved boppli!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Dear Boppli,
For so long now Daddy and I have waited to know you, our precious little one, and when that day finally arrives you prove to be stubborn! Do you know my sweet boppli, how frustrating it is to only be 80% sure that you are a girl? Not once did you give the poor nurse a good glimpse! You are already proving that your Rainey blood is flowing proudly through your veins my little stinker. Abigail Grace, Daddy and I love to say your name. He had a dream about you the night before the ultrasound...he dreamt that you were a girl. He dreamt about when we brought you home for the first time, about your first haircut, and your first day at school. We wonder if the Lord was giving us just a small glimpse into your life. We daydream about all of the things we will do with you, all the things we will teach you. Daddy wants to take you hunting with him, and Mommy wants to teach you to tumble and to dance. We want to take you to see the mountains, and we want to help you show a pig at the fair. So many wonderful and exciting experiences lie ahead of us. You are growing bigger and stronger by the day. Your kicks are no longer just little flutters, but neither are they strong enough for Daddy to feel. Keep growing my dear Abigail...We can't wait to meet you.
Mommy Loves You
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dear Boppli,
Soon, very soon, Mommy and Daddy will know whether you are a little boy or girl. We're so anxious to know and to call you by name. Mommy has begun to feel your moving and tumbling little butterflies in her belly. During praise time at church yesterday, you moved and Daddy was thrilled to know that already you are worshipping the Lord along with us. SO much growing you are doing! You have little fingernails and toenails. Your little eyelids are formed, and you respond to light. How could anyone believe you are anything but a precious life?! Psalm 139 says that the Lord "knew you before He knit you together in your mother's womb." Even now the God knows and loves every figment of your being...just like Mommy and Daddy. You are such a part of me, my little one, and to feel you brings such joy to my heart. We are so grateful for you. Grow strong and healthy, my sweet boppli.
Mommy Loves You
Friday, November 21, 2008
Dear Boppli,
Mommy got to see you again on Wednesday, and my how you have grown! During the ultrasound you were quite the little wiggley worm...a gymnast like your mommy maybe? The nurse could hardly get you to hold still long enough to hear your heartbeat. Keep moving little one, soon Mommy will feel your tumbling around! You cannot imagine the joy that will flow over me the first time I feel you move. You are such a blessing already, my boppli. Much is going on in our little corner of the world. Uncle Joe married Aunt Brittany, and in Mommy's belly you witnessed the whole thing. This week we finished up harvest, saw our first snow flurries, and had a grain bin fire! Our home is nearly finished, and soon Mommy and Daddy will move in and wait for you to join us. God has blessed us beyond measure my little one! Grow Strong and Healthy...
Mommy Loves You...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dear Boppli,
Well my precious little one we have reached a milestone. You and I have been a couple for 3 months now. Mommy has survived the dreaded first trimester. Daddy and I have begun reading to you each night. Mamaw found us a big box of Daddy's books from when he was a boppli himself. Mommy's tummy is beginning to to stick out, and your daddy loves to lay his head on it so that he can be near you. Soon we will know if you are a little boy or girl...Daddy is so excited. He wishes you could come out and play right now! Mommy loves having you grow within her. Each week Daddy and I look to see how you are changing and growing. We have been praying about your name and have finally decided on two (for now). William Brian Davidson if you are a boy. William is your daddy's favorite name, and he wants to call you Will. Brian comes from my daddy, and you will be honored to have that name especially once you know him. If you are a little girl, we will call you Abigail Grace Davidson. Abigail means "her father's joy" and truly you will be that my sweet one. By our Lord's grace you have come to be in our lives and so Grace it is. Your last name is very special to both your daddy and I. What an honor it was for mommy to take Daddy's last name on her wedding day. It is a name to be proud of, little one, always bring honor to it. We are so eager to meet you, to know you...already we are in love with you. Grow Strong and Healthy...
Mommy Loves You...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Refined By Fire
A deep and contemplative mood has come over me.
Reality struck me on the way home today...
John and I are bringing a precious new life into a skewed and demented world.
I want my little one to love the Lord.
I want him to be unscathed by the ugliness that pervades humanity.
I want him to see the world through God's perspective.
I want him to know wrong is wrong and right is right.
I want my Boppli to watch his mommy and daddy fall to their knees each night.
I want him to know that life is all about loving others.
I want him to value the simple things in life like the putter of a tractor and moo of a cow.
I want him to give up his wants so that he might fulfill someone's needs.
I want my little one to have his Father's heart.
And then I realize...
I want these things for myself too.
I pray for a refining of my spirit.
May I, in all that I am, reflect all of the qualities I want my little one to have.
Reality struck me on the way home today...
John and I are bringing a precious new life into a skewed and demented world.
I want my little one to love the Lord.
I want him to be unscathed by the ugliness that pervades humanity.
I want him to see the world through God's perspective.
I want him to know wrong is wrong and right is right.
I want my Boppli to watch his mommy and daddy fall to their knees each night.
I want him to know that life is all about loving others.
I want him to value the simple things in life like the putter of a tractor and moo of a cow.
I want him to give up his wants so that he might fulfill someone's needs.
I want my little one to have his Father's heart.
And then I realize...
I want these things for myself too.
I pray for a refining of my spirit.
May I, in all that I am, reflect all of the qualities I want my little one to have.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dear Boppli,

You had your first picture taken the other day! Daddy and Mommy both got tears in our eyes when we saw you for the first time. For most of my life I have dreamed of the day when I would first see my little one, and it was more wonderful than I could have imagined. It is amazing to see that you are only 2 centimeters long, yet you are nearly fully formed! Daddy has stared at your pictures everyday since...He loves you so. We both do. We daydream about all of the things we will teach you and of the wonderful adventures we will have together. We are trying to pick out a name for you too! Daddy loves William Brian if you are a boy, and Mommy likes the name Sawyer Nicholas. Olivia Jean and Abigail Grace are the girl names we have chosen if you happen to be a girl. Each name has a special meaning that Mommy and Daddy will explain to you someday. We cannot wait to meet you, our beloved little Boppli.
Grow Strong and Healthy...
Mommy Loves You
Thursday, October 9, 2008
6 Things You Don't know About Me
Oh Dear...
1. I'm Obsessive Compulsive. Even numbers bother me. I do things in intervals of 3. I can't sleep if the closet door isn't completely shut. Things HAVE to be arranged in a certain order. You get the idea.
2. I can drive and operate the Davidson Farms Backhoe!
3. I sucked my thumb until an embarassing age (12).
4. I rub my earlobe, or my husband's, to fall asleep.
5. If I could do anything in the world, I would be an international Christian journalist.
6. I'm taller than Chelsa by and inch and a half!
*Bonus* I can shoot a shotgun!
1. I'm Obsessive Compulsive. Even numbers bother me. I do things in intervals of 3. I can't sleep if the closet door isn't completely shut. Things HAVE to be arranged in a certain order. You get the idea.
2. I can drive and operate the Davidson Farms Backhoe!
3. I sucked my thumb until an embarassing age (12).
4. I rub my earlobe, or my husband's, to fall asleep.
5. If I could do anything in the world, I would be an international Christian journalist.
6. I'm taller than Chelsa by and inch and a half!
*Bonus* I can shoot a shotgun!
My Cousin Than
Nearly all of my childhood memories include my Rainey boy cousins. I was the first Rainey girl after a series of 8 Rainey boys and needless to say everyone was a bit befuddled as to what to do with me. My cousins, Larry, Than, Matthew, and Nicholas, didn't have this problem; they all knew exactly what to do with me. I remember being stuffed in clothes hampers, stuck up in trees, buried up to my neck in name it and it happened. (I must insert a disclaimer on their behalf: I was bossy, whiny, and annoying.)
Around the time we all became teenagers our relationships began to change. Than went to high school and was named "Best Looking." Matthew joined him there and played percusion in the band. Nicholas and I remained best friends until his passing my senior year. Larry grew up and did his own thing.
For a long period of time when there was a gap between Than and I, and for years this broke my heart. I wanted so much to be close to this young man that I had always looked up to, that I still looked up to.
Time has come and gone. Than married a wonderful woman that I dearly love. They had a sweet little girl and moved to India for a year. While they were gone, I grew up in many ways. By the time they arrived home they were expecting their second child and I was engaged. Than and I started tearing down the wall that had been there for so long, and the process has continued for the last year or so.
Last night John and I had dinner with Than and Brandi. I had tears in my eyes on the way home as my husband and I talked about how wonderful it was to fellowship with them. The wall is gone and so is the distance. I listened to my cousin speak last night and realized that we have the same heart. I look at him now and smile to still see the little boy I adored, but shining through even stronger is the wonderful man that he has become.
My heart is blessed today because of last night with him, my cousin Than.
Around the time we all became teenagers our relationships began to change. Than went to high school and was named "Best Looking." Matthew joined him there and played percusion in the band. Nicholas and I remained best friends until his passing my senior year. Larry grew up and did his own thing.
For a long period of time when there was a gap between Than and I, and for years this broke my heart. I wanted so much to be close to this young man that I had always looked up to, that I still looked up to.
Time has come and gone. Than married a wonderful woman that I dearly love. They had a sweet little girl and moved to India for a year. While they were gone, I grew up in many ways. By the time they arrived home they were expecting their second child and I was engaged. Than and I started tearing down the wall that had been there for so long, and the process has continued for the last year or so.
Last night John and I had dinner with Than and Brandi. I had tears in my eyes on the way home as my husband and I talked about how wonderful it was to fellowship with them. The wall is gone and so is the distance. I listened to my cousin speak last night and realized that we have the same heart. I look at him now and smile to still see the little boy I adored, but shining through even stronger is the wonderful man that he has become.
My heart is blessed today because of last night with him, my cousin Than.
Monday, October 6, 2008
My Husband's Hands
My Husband’s Hands
My husband’s hands are tender. They rub tired feet and massage tension filled shoulders…
My husband’s hands are capable. They shift through the gears of a Peterbilt semi and guide a tractor through the fields…
My husband’s hands are creative. They transfer the thoughts of his mind to paper and write stories of days gone by…
My husband’s hands are industrious. They maneuver nuts and bolts and find ways to mend what’s broken…
My husband’s hands are gentle. They never move in anger and never seek to harm…
My husband’s hands are helpful. They open jar lids, carry heavy loads, and reach for things up high…
My husband’s hands are considerate. They open doors, pull out chairs, and guide me at the small of my back…
My husband’s hands are never quite clean. They are stained by oil and grease and remind me that he’ll always provide…
My husband’s hands are giving. They offer rides to hitch hikers and reach into his billfold to give to those in need…
My husband’s hands are scarred. They bear the marks of his hard work and are reminders of his adventures…
My husband’s hands are saving grace. They rescue turtles from the road, scoop fallen eggs back into their nest, and gives bottles to a starving calf…
My husband’s hands are compassionate. They wipe tears from my eyes and hold me until all my worries melt away…
My husband’s hands are faithful. They turn the pages of his Bible and intertwine to pray…
My husband’s hands are all the things a good man’s hands should be. They tell the story of a hardworking man who praises his God and loves his wife…
As I hold my husband’s hands, I see how blessed I am…
As I hold my husband’s hands, I feel his goodness soak into me…
As I hold my husband’s hands in mine, I pray that I am worthy to hold such hands as his…
“Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all of your might…” Ecclesiastes 9:10
My husband’s hands are tender. They rub tired feet and massage tension filled shoulders…
My husband’s hands are capable. They shift through the gears of a Peterbilt semi and guide a tractor through the fields…
My husband’s hands are creative. They transfer the thoughts of his mind to paper and write stories of days gone by…
My husband’s hands are industrious. They maneuver nuts and bolts and find ways to mend what’s broken…
My husband’s hands are gentle. They never move in anger and never seek to harm…
My husband’s hands are helpful. They open jar lids, carry heavy loads, and reach for things up high…
My husband’s hands are considerate. They open doors, pull out chairs, and guide me at the small of my back…
My husband’s hands are never quite clean. They are stained by oil and grease and remind me that he’ll always provide…
My husband’s hands are giving. They offer rides to hitch hikers and reach into his billfold to give to those in need…
My husband’s hands are scarred. They bear the marks of his hard work and are reminders of his adventures…
My husband’s hands are saving grace. They rescue turtles from the road, scoop fallen eggs back into their nest, and gives bottles to a starving calf…
My husband’s hands are compassionate. They wipe tears from my eyes and hold me until all my worries melt away…
My husband’s hands are faithful. They turn the pages of his Bible and intertwine to pray…
My husband’s hands are all the things a good man’s hands should be. They tell the story of a hardworking man who praises his God and loves his wife…
As I hold my husband’s hands, I see how blessed I am…
As I hold my husband’s hands, I feel his goodness soak into me…
As I hold my husband’s hands in mine, I pray that I am worthy to hold such hands as his…
“Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all of your might…” Ecclesiastes 9:10
My husband inspires me...
Dear Boppli,
Dear Boppli,
I love this time of year. The leaves are changing and beginning to fall. The sky is more blue than usual. The days are getting cooler. It is a good time to live on a farm. Your Daddy is hard at work harvesting our corn and beans. I wish your little eyes could watch him work, see him doing all the things he loves to do. Your Daddy is a special man. He works hard for us, for you and me. Your Daddy spends long hours working on the farm and driving his truck. Today Daddy spent most of the day fixing the pasture fence because some of the cows broke it down. This work, for a time, is God's plan for your Daddy's life. Your Daddy went to school to be a teacher, but the Lord touched his heart and guided him to work with Papaw and Uncle Joe. Your Daddy listened, and the Lord has blessed our family because of your Daddy's willing heart. I pray that you are born with a heart like your Daddy's.
In the book of Jeremiah it says, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart.."
Even now, as you grow in Mommy's belly, God loves you and He knows you. The Lord has a wonderful plan for your life. Already He knows the great things that you are destined to do. Listen to Him, my Boppli, know Him, follow Him, serve Him. I pray that the compass of your heart always points to Him. I hope that you will have a servant's heart that longs to help others. I pray that you will not demand your own way, but that you joyfully will answer God's call. May your heart be like your Daddy's, a heart that seeks to please God.
I'm so glad that you are with me this Fall season. Grow strong and healthy, my Boppli...
I love this time of year. The leaves are changing and beginning to fall. The sky is more blue than usual. The days are getting cooler. It is a good time to live on a farm. Your Daddy is hard at work harvesting our corn and beans. I wish your little eyes could watch him work, see him doing all the things he loves to do. Your Daddy is a special man. He works hard for us, for you and me. Your Daddy spends long hours working on the farm and driving his truck. Today Daddy spent most of the day fixing the pasture fence because some of the cows broke it down. This work, for a time, is God's plan for your Daddy's life. Your Daddy went to school to be a teacher, but the Lord touched his heart and guided him to work with Papaw and Uncle Joe. Your Daddy listened, and the Lord has blessed our family because of your Daddy's willing heart. I pray that you are born with a heart like your Daddy's.
In the book of Jeremiah it says, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart.."
Even now, as you grow in Mommy's belly, God loves you and He knows you. The Lord has a wonderful plan for your life. Already He knows the great things that you are destined to do. Listen to Him, my Boppli, know Him, follow Him, serve Him. I pray that the compass of your heart always points to Him. I hope that you will have a servant's heart that longs to help others. I pray that you will not demand your own way, but that you joyfully will answer God's call. May your heart be like your Daddy's, a heart that seeks to please God.
I'm so glad that you are with me this Fall season. Grow strong and healthy, my Boppli...
Mommy loves you
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Dear Boppli,
Dear Boppli,
You and I have been a couple for 6 weeks now. Your heart is beating, and you are growing everyday. Daddy is excited because this week your eyes move to the front of your head! Your Grandad, Grandma, Papaw, and Mamaw all found out that you are on your way. We surprised them with a shirt Mommy wore that says, "Baby Davidson Under Construction." You are loved, little one, more than any child has ever been loved. You are wanted and treasured even now, and for as long as I can remember I have wanted to be your mommy. Daddy and I pray for you everyday. We want you to know the Lord all of the days of your life because even before you were ours you belonged to Him. Grow strong and healthy, my Boppli...
You and I have been a couple for 6 weeks now. Your heart is beating, and you are growing everyday. Daddy is excited because this week your eyes move to the front of your head! Your Grandad, Grandma, Papaw, and Mamaw all found out that you are on your way. We surprised them with a shirt Mommy wore that says, "Baby Davidson Under Construction." You are loved, little one, more than any child has ever been loved. You are wanted and treasured even now, and for as long as I can remember I have wanted to be your mommy. Daddy and I pray for you everyday. We want you to know the Lord all of the days of your life because even before you were ours you belonged to Him. Grow strong and healthy, my Boppli...
Mommy Loves You
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